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Real Estate Development
Phasellus lorem enim, luctus ut velit eget, convallis egestas eros. Sed ornare ligula eget tortor tempor, quis porta tellus dictum.
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Project Managment
Nulla cursus augue elit, at ullamcorper urna rhoncus a. Proin ipsum tortor, gravida at convallis a, tempor sed magna
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Facility Management
Morbi iaculis, sem vel luctus pulvinar, tortor dolor pharetra enim, porta gravida nulla turpis sed risus. In turpis ligula
Construction Material
Morbi vehicula a nibh in commodo. Aliquam quis dolor eget lectus pulvinar malesuada. Suspendisse eu rhoncus ligula.
General Contractor
Nam orci metus, varius at nisl at, tempor facilisis magna. Ut maximus felis tincidunt lacinia. Nulla malesuada ipsum at magna condimentum pharetra.
House Renovation
Fusce viverra risus diam, in luctus nulla porta vel. Etiam nunc lorem, dapibus augue vitae, lacinia pharetra eros. Fusce ac egestas purus, non porta est.
Construction Managment
Morbi vehicula a nibh in commodo. Aliquam quis dolor eget lectus pulvinar malesuada. Suspendisse eu rhoncus ligula.
Electrical Contractor
Nam orci metus, varius at nisl at, tempor facilisis magna. Ut maximus felis tincidunt lacinia. Nulla malesuada ipsum at magna condimentum pharetra.
Metal Roofing
Fusce viverra risus diam, in luctus nulla porta vel. Etiam nunc lorem, dapibus augue vitae, lacinia pharetra eros. Fusce ac egestas purus, non porta est.


Quisque pulvinar libero dolor, quis bibendum eros euismod sit amet. Proin dapibus id diam at
Pellentesque non diam euismod metus vehicula varius. Donec et velit placerat arcu lobortis.

Gravida at convallis a, tempor sed magna. Pellentesque non diam euismod metus vehicula
[portfoliof2 num=”3″]TESTIMONIALS
Division 12 is an excellent furniture and interior design company. They can offer a full turnkey operation as a dealership. They are a lot better suited to handle large size orders than most companies, and they make sure it’s installed correctly. I have worked with several furniture companies and Division 12 offers the best office, lecture room, classroom, and dorm furniture any line can carry. For Alabama A&M University, service is the #1 priority and Division 12 offered unbeatable service and warrantees on their products and labor. Good quality furniture that will last is what you want and is what you will get when you partner with Division 12 for all your furniture needs
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Division 12 for the assistance provided for the space planning for our staff, the renderings and for all the help with the general coordination
Edward L. Jones, Ph.D
Director of Teacher Education and Certification for the School of Education
I would like to express my appreciation to Division 12 Consulting for the recent design and installation of the new workstations for my offices. The workstations installed were installed in my present office in a professional manner providing excellent work areas and storage areas for my staff. I appreciate the timeliness within which the workstations were completed and installed as well as the vast array of choices available. My staff and I are well pleased. Your prompt availability for any questions/concerns was most helpful.

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